Thursday, March 13, 2025


Top directory listings for Gutenberg

June 2021

Best value
Top directory listing for Gutenberg hosting

u003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003eFREE domain and SSL certificateu003cbru003eu003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+u003c/spanu003e 1-click WordPress installsu003cbru003eu003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003eUnlimited traffic and in-house support 24/7u003cbru003eu003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003eUsually $7.99/month, but u003cstrongu003eour visitors get 63% off!u003c/strongu003eu003cbru003eu003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003eIndustry-leading hardware and uptimen
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Use Coupon u003cstrongu003eREHUBu003c/strongu003e to get additional 5% discount on site
Best speed
Top directory listing for Gutenberg

Siteground Hosting

u003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003eFREE site transfer or new site setupu003cbru003eu003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003eFREE daily backups, CDN, email, and SSLu003cbru003eu003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003e24/7 expert support with no wait on phone or chatu003cbru003eu003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003eRecommended by WordPress as a top hostu003cbru003eu003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003eIdeal for business email hosting
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Best price
Top directory listing for Gutenberg hosting

u003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003eSSDs and TurboServer for 20x faster pageloadsu003cbru003eu003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003e Host unlimited websites and FREE site transferu003cbru003eu003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003e Optimized plugins and 1-click installs for WPu003cbru003eu003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003e Pre-installed OPcache and Memcached cachingu003cbru003eu003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003e FREE HackScan with restore options
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Top directory listing for Gutenberg

HostGator Hosting

u003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003eu003cstrongu003eGet 62% offu003c/strongu003e by buying 36 months up frontu003cbru003eu003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003eUnmetered disk space u0026amp; bandwidthu003cbru003eu003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003eUnlimited email addresses u0026amp; free SSL certificateu003cbru003eu003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003eOne-click WordPress install u0026amp; free blog toolsu003cbru003eu003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003eFree 1-year domain registration on select plans
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Great value
Use Coupon REHUB to get one year discount with 33%
Top directory listing for Gutenberg

u003cmark style=u0022background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)u0022 class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/marku003eWordPress pre-installed with NGINX and PHP 7u003cbru003eu003cmark style=u0022background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)u0022 class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/marku003eFREE SSL certificate and unlimited bandwidthu003cbru003eu003cmark style=u0022background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)u0022 class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/marku003eAutomatic plugin, theme, and core updatesu003cbru003eu003cmark style=u0022background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)u0022 class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/marku003eFeatures a FREE drag-and-drop WP page editoru003cbru003eu003cmark style=u0022background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)u0022 class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/marku003ePremium themes and plugin subscriptionsu003cbru003e
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Design variants

You are not limited to only one design. You can edit any content, enable badges, disclaimers, coupons, review scores, custom additional text, info. All colors can be changed. Here is example of the same block with another style options

Best value
Top directory listing for Gutenberg hosting

u003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003eFREE domain and SSL certificateu003cbru003eu003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+u003c/spanu003e 1-click WordPress installsu003cbru003eu003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003eUnlimited traffic and in-house support 24/7u003cbru003eu003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003eUsually $7.99/month, but u003cstrongu003eour visitors get 63% off!u003c/strongu003eu003cbru003eu003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003eIndustry-leading hardware and uptimen
u003ca href=u0022 data-type=u0022postu0022 data-id=u0022589u0022u003eRead full reviewu003c/au003e
Best speed
Top directory listing for Gutenberg

Siteground Hosting

u003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003eFREE site transfer or new site setupu003cbru003eu003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003eFREE daily backups, CDN, email, and SSLu003cbru003eu003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003e24/7 expert support with no wait on phone or chatu003cbru003eu003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003eRecommended by WordPress as a top hostu003cbru003eu003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003eIdeal for business email hosting
u003ca href=u0022 full reviewu003c/au003e
Best price
Top directory listing for Gutenberg hosting

u003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003eSSDs and TurboServer for 20x faster pageloadsu003cbru003eu003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003e Host unlimited websites and FREE site transferu003cbru003eu003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003e Optimized plugins and 1-click installs for WPu003cbru003eu003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003e Pre-installed OPcache and Memcached cachingu003cbru003eu003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003e FREE HackScan with restore options
u003ca href=u0022 full reviewu003c/au003e
Top directory listing for Gutenberg

HostGator Hosting

u003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003eu003cstrongu003eGet 62% offu003c/strongu003e by buying 36 months up frontu003cbru003eu003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003eUnmetered disk space u0026amp; bandwidthu003cbru003eu003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003eUnlimited email addresses u0026amp; free SSL certificateu003cbru003eu003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003eOne-click WordPress install u0026amp; free blog toolsu003cbru003eu003cspan class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/spanu003eFree 1-year domain registration on select plans
u003ca href=u0022 full reviewu003c/au003e
Use Coupon REHUB to get one year discount with 33%
Top directory listing for Gutenberg

u003cmark style=u0022background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)u0022 class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/marku003eWordPress pre-installed with NGINX and PHP 7u003cbru003eu003cmark style=u0022background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)u0022 class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/marku003eFREE SSL certificate and unlimited bandwidthu003cbru003eu003cmark style=u0022background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)u0022 class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/marku003eAutomatic plugin, theme, and core updatesu003cbru003eu003cmark style=u0022background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)u0022 class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/marku003eFeatures a FREE drag-and-drop WP page editoru003cbru003eu003cmark style=u0022background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)u0022 class=u0022has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-coloru0022u003e+ u003c/marku003ePremium themes and plugin subscriptionsu003cbru003e
u003ca href=u0022 full reviewu003c/au003e

Review for each item and

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Best value hosting
CHeck Prices
The best hosting plans are included

u003ca href=u0022http://bluehost.comu0022 target=u0022_blanku0022 rel=u0022noreferrer noopeneru0022u003eFind best plan for youu003c/au003e

  • u003cstrongu003ePrice per monthu003c/strongu003e: Starting at $2.95
  • u003cstrongu003eUptimeu003c/strongu003e: 99.99%
  • u003cstrongu003eMoney-back guaranteeu003c/strongu003e: 30-day

With more than 2 million websites internationally, Hosting is one of the most popular hosting services in the industry. Our all-in-one solutions make website protection and reliability easy with free SSL, malware detection, automated security updates and 24/7 expert support. Track your visitor analytics, user comments and anything else happening on your website right from your Hosting dashboard. 

Choose from shared hosting to VPS and dedicated hosting plans all at affordable rates. Bluehost also has dedicated WordPress hosting plans. Add bookings, online ordering, customer chat windows and anything else you need to transform your website
into the ultimate can-do machine. Customize your website to your heart’s content with true design flexibility. No other builder lets you create and modify with such boundless creativity.

  • Outstanding customer support
  • Suite of added web tools
  • Unlimited bandwidth and storage
  • Have to pay for site transfer
  • Anoying advertising of other plans


Best support and VPS
CHeck Prices
The best hosting plans are included

u003ca href=u0022http://siteground.comu0022 target=u0022_blanku0022 rel=u0022noreferrer noopeneru0022u003eFind best plan for youu003c/au003e

  • u003cstrongu003ePrice per monthu003c/strongu003e: Starting at $2.95
  • u003cstrongu003eUptimeu003c/strongu003e: 99.99%
  • u003cstrongu003eMoney-back guaranteeu003c/strongu003e: 30-day

With more than 2 million websites internationally, Hosting is one of the most popular hosting services in the industry. Our all-in-one solutions make website protection and reliability easy with free SSL, malware detection, automated security updates and 24/7 expert support. Track your visitor analytics, user comments and anything else happening on your website right from your Hosting dashboard. 

Choose from shared hosting to VPS and dedicated hosting plans all at affordable rates. Bluehost also has dedicated WordPress hosting plans. Add bookings, online ordering, customer chat windows and anything else you need to transform your website
into the ultimate can-do machine. Customize your website to your heart’s content with true design flexibility. No other builder lets you create and modify with such boundless creativity.

  • Outstanding customer support
  • Suite of added web tools
  • Unlimited bandwidth and storage
  • Have to pay for site transfer
  • Anoying advertising of other plans


Best price and great speed
CHeck Prices
The best hosting plans are included

u003ca href=u0022http://a2hosting.comu0022 target=u0022_blanku0022 rel=u0022noreferrer noopeneru0022u003eFind best plan for youu003c/au003e

  • u003cstrongu003ePrice per monthu003c/strongu003e: Starting at $2.95
  • u003cstrongu003eUptimeu003c/strongu003e: 99.99%
  • u003cstrongu003eMoney-back guaranteeu003c/strongu003e: 30-day

With more than 2 million websites internationally, Hosting is one of the most popular hosting services in the industry. Our all-in-one solutions make website protection and reliability easy with free SSL, malware detection, automated security updates and 24/7 expert support. Track your visitor analytics, user comments and anything else happening on your website right from your Hosting dashboard. 

Choose from shared hosting to VPS and dedicated hosting plans all at affordable rates. Bluehost also has dedicated WordPress hosting plans. Add bookings, online ordering, customer chat windows and anything else you need to transform your website
into the ultimate can-do machine. Customize your website to your heart’s content with true design flexibility. No other builder lets you create and modify with such boundless creativity.

There is nothing in your wishlist